Tackling my first resin kit. Got this one as a bonus from another transaction.
Not too many pieces. This is the point that my inexperience with resin kits comes into play. I really should have spent more time in the prep work. There were a few bad spots, bubble voids, etc... I really wish I had the foresight to rescribe the panel lines before I primed and painted it. O well, I bet I think of it next time.
Base coat
Thought this would be a good time to try out the liquid mask.
Simple little color pattern. Had I scribed the panel lines, I would have attempted a more complex pattern truer to the on screen version.
Other side
Dark Panels added
Got the seal coat of Future on. Tomorrow I will do a satin varnish and start the weathering. Hopefully I can disguise some of my newbie mistakes. Bubble voids = battle damage, right?